Annual plans and Annual report has from 2021 and onwards been an integrated part of the General assembly and can be found under Biennial meeting minutes.
Annual Plans
Plan: 2019-2020
Plan: 2017-2018
Plan: 2014-2016
Plan: 2012-2014
Plan: 2010-2012
Plan: 2008-2010
Plan: 2006-2008
Plan: 2004-2006
Plan: 2000-2002
Annual Reports
Report: 2017-2018
Report: 2012-2013
(Accounts: 2012-2013)
Report: 2010-2011
Report: 2008-2009
Report: 2006-2008
Report: 2004-2006
Report: 2002-2004
Report: 2000-2002
General Assembly
Board of Directors
2024.10: Digital meeting
2024.05: Copenhagen
2023.11: Digital meeting via Teams
2023.05: Stockholm
2022.10: Digital meeting via Teams
2022.05: University of Iceland
2021:10: Digital meeting via Zoom
2020.11: Digital meeting via Zoom
2019.11: University of Helsinki
2019.05: The Faroe Islands
2018.10: Copenhagen
2018.05: Reykjavik
2017.05: Oslo
2016.10: Åbo
2016.05: Copenhagen
2013.09: Edinburgh
2013.05: Stockholm
2012.10: Copenhagen
2012.05: Rosendal
2011.10: Stockholm
2011.05: Helsingfors
2010.10: Stockholm
2010.10: Oslo
2009.10: Copenhagen
2009.05: Helsingfors
2008.10: Trondheim
2008.08: Vasa
2007.10: Aarhus
2007.05: Kalmar
2006.10: Oslo
2006.08: Stockholm
2006.05: Kuopio
2005.10: Copenhagen
2005.05: Stockholm
2004.10: Bergen
2004.08: Nuuk
2004.05: Abo
2003.11: Copenhagen
2003.08: Vasa
2003.05: Stockholm
Annual Reports
Report: 2017-2018
Report: 2012-2013
(Accounts: 2012-2013)
Report: 2010-2011
Report: 2008-2009
Report: 2006-2008
Report: 2004-2006
Report: 2002-2004
Report: 2000-2002
- Membership applications are sent to the General Secretary.
- The General Secretary forwards applications to the Board of Directors’ representatives from the applying institution’s country for approval.
- The application is approved if the applying institution meets membership criteria.
- Membership status is confirmed with a letter from the NUAS Secretariat.
Special Interest Groups and Group Members
The Special Interest Groups carry out activities within their respective fields that contribute to learning and the accumulation of experience for administrative staff at member universities and within the sector.
Individual group goals are documented in the biennial NUAS Organizational Plan. Special Interest Groups are also tasked with arranging inter-disciplinary seminars in cooperation with other groups and may organize specialist seminars.
Special Interest Groups shall, whenever possible, be comprised of two members from NUAS institutions in Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden and Iceland with one member from Faroe Islands and Greenland. When this is not possible, groups may include additional members from the same country. In addition to nationality, groups should seek to balance membership with regards to geographical placement, institutions, competencies, and diversity.
Member Selection
Suggestions for members from Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Finland, the Faroe Islands and Greenland can come from inside of the group. Suggestions are sent to the General Secretary and are subject to acceptance by the Board of Directors’ members from the nominee’s country and the executive administrative officer of the candidate’s institution.
New members representing Denmark in a group are nominated via Universities Denmark. Requests for new members from Denmark are sent via the General Secretary to Universities Denmark who follows up the request.
Special Interest Group members are inducted for a four-year term, which may be extended by an additional four years.
NUAS depends on active participation. Group members are expected to participate in at least 75% of group activities. If a group member is no longer able to participate in activities at the expected level, the group leader can request replacement for that individual.
The Group Leader’s Role
The Group Leader is the group’s spokesperson, leads the group’s work, and promotes and coordinates cooperation with the other groups within NUAS. NUAS is a dynamic organization with the aim of adjusting to the needs of—and changing requirements on—its members. It is, therefore, important for a Group Leader to monitor and, not least, contribute to NUAS’s continued development.
Information flow is vital for group cooperation and cohesion, and intra-group communication policy—including the use of appropriate IT solutions—should be discussed and agreed upon by the group’s members. Additionally, the Group Leader is responsible for conveying information from the Board of Directors to group members and reporting about their group’s ongoing work to NUAS.
The Group Leader is responsible for:
- Maintaining full group membership and nominating candidates to the group as needed to fill vacancies (as noted above, Denmark has its own system for nominating group members).
- Making sure that the group’s activities are performed in accordance with NUAS statutes and guidelines.
- Assuring that the group is committed to common goals.
- Preparing presentations of the group’s work for the Board of Directors
- Monitoring their group’s coordination with other planning groups.
- Guiding the group so that its activities contribute to the development of NUAS.
Good meeting planning, especially deciding and disseminating the meeting time and place well in advance, is crucial to the success of a meeting with many participants. Practical details (e.g., accommodations, arranging common meals, providing local information, etc.) are also important to the meeting’s success. The Group Leader should strive to spread these tasks between group members and to vary member’s tasks from meeting to meeting so that group members have the chance to gain diverse experience and so that the Group Leader is not overtasked.
The Special Interest Groups are Responsible for:
- Conducting activities that promote learning and experience exchange among administrative staff at member institutions.
- Ensuring that conferences are conducted in accordance with the conference plan and within the budget.
- Developing the network and contributing to the organization’s efficient operation.
- Cooperation between themselves and other NUAS Special Interest Groups.
- Contributing to the organization development of NUAS.
Leaders’ Group
The Leaders’ Group is composed of all Special Interest Group leaders.
The leader of the Leader Group is elected from within the group to a four-year term and is responsible for making sure that the Leader Group performs its duties.
The NUAS Board may, at its discretion, replace group leaders in the event that a group does not complete planned activities within the designated timeframe.
Responsibilities of the Leader Group include:
- Group leaders are responsible for ensuring that group activities are conducted in accordance with the NUAS by-laws and organizational plan.
- Nominating candidates for membership in the group as needed (see Member selection).
- Making certain that there is cooperation between the different NUAS Special Interest Groups.
- Ensuring communication between the Board of Directors, Special Interest Groups, and the relevant external networks.
- Assisting the General Secretary in developing NUAS as an organization
- Contributing to the NUAS Organizational Plan and Organizational Report on a biennial basis.
- Preparing and sending issues to the Board of Directors for decision.
The General Secretary
The General Secretary is responsible for:
- Day-to-day leadership of NUAS, producing the meeting schedule for the organizational period, and following the guidelines and directives given by the Board of Directors.
- Making sure that NUAS accounting conforms to pertinent laws and regulations and NUAS assets are managed in a satisfactory manner.
- Preparing issues to be considered by the Board of Directors together with the Chairman of the Board and the Leader Group.
- Participating in the proceedings of the Board of Directors.
- Assisting in the coordination of Special Interest Group activities.
- Board of Director meeting administration—scheduling, sending invitations, and ensuring that sufficient information is available to consider issues to be decided.
- Keeping records of Leader Group and Board of Directors meetings.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors’ responsibilities include:
- Producing the following documents for the General Assembly meeting:
- Report on the previous period’s Organizational Plan
- Financial statements, approved by an auditor, for the previous two-year period
- Organizational plan for the coming two-year period
- Nomination of candidates for the two auditor positions
- Ongoing operations within the framework set at the General Assembly.
- Running NUAS efficiently and in accordance with applicable laws, rules, and regulations.
- Monitoring to ensure that activities planned by the Special Interest Groups are carried out.
- Following up the secretariat.
- Making decisions on contributions to Special Interest Groups according to NUAS guidelines.
- Holding at least one physical meeting per year in addition to any tele- or video meetings that may be held.
- Ensuring the proper organization of NUAS and making decisions on creation and dissolving Special Interest Groups
- Contacting perspective group members’ institutions and confirming their participation with the Administrative Executive (does not apply to Denmark).
General Assembly
Required at the General Assembly meeting:
- Ratification of the Organizational Report and financial statements for the previous two-year period.
- Adoption of the Board of Directors’ proposal for the next organizational plan and budget.
- Agree on the membership fee for the next two-year period.
- Consideration of changes to the NUAS bylaws proposed by the Board of Directors.
- Appointment of two auditors and one substitute auditor.
Disposition of Funds
Allocation of funds for development activities
Special Interest Groups can apply for funding for development activities. Applications should be sent to the General Secretary who forwards the application to the Leader Group. The Leader Group assesses the applications and prepares a recommendation for the Board of Directors who is responsible for the allocation of funds. The deadline for applying for funding is set by the General Secretary such that necessary processing can be done in advance of the Board of Directors meeting.
Criteria for allocation of funds are as follows:
- The activity is innovative and tests out something new
- The activity and associated learning have value for more than one group
Additional considerations for the allocation of funds take the development phase of a Group into consideration—newly established Groups may need resources for activities of a different nature compared to the activities of established Groups. A Group’s activity history is also taken into consideration.
Administrative guidelines for organising NUAS activities
Division of responsibilities in connection with NUAS activities (seminars/conferences/workshops etc.)
For an activity to be organized under the aegis of NUAS, the institution(s) responsible for the practical organization must enter into a contract with NUAS.
NUAS activities are available exclusively to employees at NUAS member institutions.
The host institution has the following responsibilities:
- Administration of participant registration and fee payment.
- Organizing practical details such as venues and [local] transportation.
- Helping to organize the social programme.
- Together with the Special Interest Groups, taking responsibility for budgeting, accounting, and financial reporting after the conclusion of the event.
- Notifying NUAS a minimum of six months in advance in the event that the activity cannot be held. In the event that the host institution notifies NUAS of their inability to fulfil the contract relating to the event less than six months before the planned event date, the host institution will be held responsible for the costs associated with planning, cancellation or moving the activity.
Responsibilities of the Special Interest Group(s):
- The formal conference content
- Contact and agreements with presenters, facilitators, etc.
- Providing administrative support to the host institution as needed
- Creating a website for the activity together with NUAS and linked to
- Together with the host institution, taking responsibility for budgeting, accounting, and financial reporting after the conclusion of the event.
- Ensuring that the NUAS seminar fee is paid.
- Completing the final activity report to NUAS (program, participant lists, and accounting) within six months.
The NUAS General Secretary is responsible for:
- Ensuring that the contract between NUAS and the host institution is signed.
- Presenting reporting from the activity to the Board of Directors.
Seminar fees
- NUAS activities shall be budgeted in accordance with the NUAS bylaws and shall not be organized with the intention of generating financial profit.
- The programme is financed via participant fees. As with all NUAS activities, the programme is based on the principle of sharing costs and shall not generate profit for NUAS or the host university. The conference must therefore be budgeted with the aim of zero result.
- It is the NUAS group organising the conference together with the Host University who is responsible for setting up a budget for the conference.
- In the event that the conference fees exceed the cost of the conference, and the amount cannot be used to improve the conference, the fee must be reimbursed the participants.
- If there is a deficit after a seminar/conference, NUAS will split the deficit 50/50 with the host institution up to a maximum amount of 100.000 NOK
- The NUAS group responsible for organizing the activity is exempted from the program fee but must pay for travel and lodging.
Guidelines for remuneration related to NUAS activities
Administrative employees at a NUAS member institution may not charge fees for lectures in connection to NUAS activities. Academic staff may, however, receive remuneration.
Presenters from outside of NUAS shall be remunerated according to individual agreements. Payment of high fees must be approved by the Chairman of the Board. Travel and lodging expenses may be covered if necessary. Conference fees shall be waived for presenters.
Administrative guidelines for organizing activities for the NUAS Programme for Leaders in Administration
The goal of the NUAS Programme for Leaders in Administration is to provide a development program for present and future leaders at Nordic institutions of higher education. The programme’s focus is on developing leadership skills and providing an opportunity for networking and knowledge sharing.
Host institution responsibilities:
- Contribution of one person with relevant expertise to the working group.
- Providing input to presenters.
- Coordinating the practical aspects of the arrangement (e.g. venues, refreshments, transport, etc.).
- Organizing the social programme.
- Assisting with budgeting, accounting, and financial reporting related to the programme.
NUAS Board of Directors responsibilities:
- The formal conference content
- Decide the participation fee and budget for the programme
- Ensure that there is a coordinator for the formal conference content and a practical/logisitics coordinator
- Marketing the conference through their network
- Administration of the programme
One of the goals of NUAS is to engage with similar organizations outside of the Nordic region with the goal of establishing cooperation, deepening knowledge exchange and understanding, and developing an international network.
General information
General Secretary
Kira Vinberg Iversen
Phone: +45 28 19 93 08