Facts and figures

NUAS, The Nordic Association for University Administrators (originally Det Nordiska Universitets Administratörs Samarbetet) is a member-driven collaborative organization established in 1976. Today, 69 universities and university colleges are members. NUAS has 14 interest groups that focus on specific administrative disciplines in the higher education sector, with a total of 125 active group members.

NUAS is headed by A Board of Directors,  representted by each of the member countries, as well as up to four group leaders. Meetings are twice a year.

The General Assembly is the highest decision-making body in NUAS and consists of representatives from each member insitution (usually the director). Meetings are every other year.


The Nordic Association of University Administrators aims  be its members’ preferred network for exchange of knowledge, competence and creativity with regard to alla aspects of administration and services.


The activity in NUAS is oriented toward strengthening and developing all aspects of administration in Nordic higher education while cultivating professionalism. How is this achieved? By organizing conferences, seminars, webinar, workshops and the Program for Leaders in Administration (PLA), an intensive 2-year program form those in or aspiring to a leadership role at the insitutions.

How does NUAS work?

The special interest groups are the core of NUAS.  Each member country is ideally represented in each group that typically consist of 10-12 members.  The groups work fairly autonomously, setting their own agendas and organizing activites to address relevant issues in their specific fields. Sometimes the groups host joint activities and all groups present their activities and plans to the board every year. The group leaders also meet regularly to check-in with each other and seek inspiration and advice from each other.

Member universities contribute to the collaboration by allowing staff to participate actively in the groups and by hosting NUAS activities. All groups meet regularly in-person (at least once a year) as well as regularly online. Costs associated with participation in NUAS activities are covered by the member insitutions


How is position acquired

Directors of the member institutions or representatives appointed by the directors.
Each institution has one vote.


Each university is represented in the General Assembly as long as they are members.


-Active participation in the meetings and be updated with NUAS activities
-Vote to approve: the report of the Board of Directors, balance sheet for the previous two-year period.
-Decides the plan and budget for the next two-year period, based on proposals from the Board.
-Determines NUAS’ statutes and amendments to these based on proposals from the Board
-Appoint two auditors and one deputy auditor (based on board’s nominations).
-Set the membership fee for the next two-year period.

 Where & When

Online biennial meeting (2023, 2025, 2027, etc.)


How is position acquired

Two from each of the Nordic countries, except one from Faroe Islands, Iceland, and an observer from Greenland. The directors (or their appointed proxies) of member institutions from each country are responsible for naming their representatives to the Board.

Up to four members elected by the Group Leaders.



4 years, with the possibility of an extension of 4 years.



-Active participation in the meetings and be updated with NUAS activities
-Define the purpose and strategy of NUAS
-Assist with recruitment to groups as needed
-Approve new group members ad hoc
-Attend biannual board meetings where at least one in in-person
-Appoint members to planning groups (PLA, NUAS conferences)
-Decides the budget (within the framework from the GA)
-Approves special financial allocations for the groups based on recommendations from the Group Leaders
-Arrange director’s seminars (meeting for all directors of member institutions) to exchange info on experience and info on current trends in higher education
-Evaluate NUAS activities and update statutes as needed.
-Nominate candidates for the two auditor positions
-Make decisions on creating and dissolving the groups
-Approve prospective new group members and confirm their participation with the Administrative Executive (not DK)


Where & When

Ad hoc help to Gensec regarding group members.
Board meeting in-person in the spring and online in the fall.


How is position acquired

Appointed (as well as vice-chair) from within the Board.



2 years



-Leads NUAS
-Overview of NUAS activities and membership
-Call for and hold the biannual Board meetings
-Makes day-to-day administrative decisions in coordination with General Secretary, in line with the plan approved by the GA and statutes


Where & When

Regular meetings with Gensec regarding daily matters and planning for meetings/events.



How is position acquired

Appointed by the Chair.



2 years.



-Know the purpose and strategy of NUAS
-Have an overview of the status of all groups and their members
-Implements the Boards’ decisions
-Have an ongoing dialogue with the group leaders
-Prepares all practical matters for Board meetings as well as the agenda in coordination with the Chairman and the Leader Group.
-Keeps records of Board and Group Leader meetings
-Handles day-to day leaderships of NUAS
-Administers membership applications
-Consult with chair regarding day-to-day matters
-Update website and SoME, including events for the groups
-Onboarding for new member universities as well as group members
-Ensure that news of NUAS’ activity is made available to all members (Web &Newsletter)
-Assist with recruitment to groups and follow up
-Follow up on rotation within groups
-Administer finances, refunds for members and overview of budget
-Engage with similar organizations outside of the Nordic region


Where & When

Ongoing updates and ad hoc onboarding.


How is position acquired







-Know the purpose and strategy of NUAS.
-Allocate resources for NUAS (staff takes part in activities).
-Spread knowledge of NUAS activities (e.g. forward Newsletter to relevant persons).
-Responsible for ensuring necessary rotation in the Board.


Where & When




How is position acquired

Elected from within the Group Leader Group.



4 years



-Have an overview of the scope of all groups and encourage collaboration
-Hold regular meetings with the group leaders
-Agenda for the group leaders meetings
-Know the purpose and strategy of NUAS
-The group’s spokesperson
-Onboarding for new group members
-Hold regular meetings with groups (At least one in-person meeting annually)
-Responsible for ensuring that all documents are stored in TEAMS
-Responsible for building a target group/e-mail list from events
-Ensure rotation within each group (in cooperation with Board and directors)
-Inform Gensec of events and report back on participants, outcome, photos.
-Present the group’s work to the Board
-Make sure all members are active and spread tasks so no one is overburdened
-Cooperate within the group and with the other NUAS groups
-Assess applications for funds for development activites
-Know which areas the other groups work with regarding possible collaboration


Where & When

Meetings in different locations at the group members universities.


How is position acquired

Appointed by the group and approved by the Board.



4 years (+4)



-Know the purpose and strategy of NUAS
-The group’s spokesperson
-Onboarding for new group members
-Hold regular meetings with groups (At least one in-person meeting annually)
-Responsible for ensuring that all documents are stored in TEAMS
-Responsible for building a target group/e-mail list from events
-Ensure rotation within each group (in cooperation with Board and directors)
-Inform Gensec of events and report back on participants, outcome, photos.
-Present the group’s work to the Board
-Make sure all members are active and spread tasks so no one is overburdened
-Cooperate within the group and with the other NUAS groups
-Assess applications for funds for development activites
-Know which areas the other groups work with regarding possible collaboration


Where & When

Meetings in different locations at the group members universities.



How is position aquired

There are two from each of the Nordic countries, except one from Faroe Islands and Greenland.  The aim is to achieve balance regarding geography, institutions, competencies and diversity.

In Denmark, the organization Universities Denmark appoint new members as needed.
For all the other countries, members can be nominated by exisiting group members and then approved by board members from that particular country. If no nominations come from within the group itself, the board members use their network within their country to find new members. It is also possible to apply directly to become a group member by sending an application with CV to the general secretary, to be considered when a seat becomes free in the group.


4 years (+4)



Know what are the main trends and topics in one´s home country within the group’s scope. Willingness to ccntribute to exchange of knowledge and experience within the group and in one’s own insitution and in networks in one’s home country.



-Participate in at least 75% of group activities (if not, leader can request replacement)

-Spread knowledge of NUAS activities in home university and networks within home country

-Take part in suggesting and planning events

-Conduct activities that promote learning and exchange experience among administrative staff at all member institutions


When & where

Continuously and especially before and after events take place.


(PLA alumni, previous group members and leaders, previous board members)

How is position acquired

Anyone who has taken an active role in a NUAS group or leadership or been in the PLA.



As long as they are employed by a NUAS institution.



-Report back on alumni-events to GenSec
-Promote the work of NUAS and encourage colleagues to participate
-Be the proud promoters of NUAS and all it stands for


Where & When

Continuously and especially before and after events/meetings take place.



How is position acquired

Being employed as admininstrative staff at a NUAS member institution.



As long as they are employed by a NUAS institution.



-May take part in webinars, seminars and workshops
-Apply for PLA if relevant
-Know that NUAS exists,what it is, who the relevant contact person is, keep up-to-date on activities being offered
-Apply to become a group member if relevant


Where & When

Events are held throughout the year and the PLA is every second year.