NUAS’ Library Group: Open Science Workshops for Library Directors

Åbo Akademi University Tehtaankatu 2, Turku, Finland

NUAS’s Library Group in cooperation with Åbo Akademi University Library will host a virtual workshop for Nordic library directors on October 7 2020. The theme of the workshop is Citizen Science.

Student-Teacher Communication in the Time of Corona

University of Oslo , Norway

How did the student-teacher communication function when teachers and students left the physical classrooms and moved into digital ones in March 2020? Innovation and Frustration Surveys, carried out by Centre […]

Fighting COVID-19 with Communications

This webinar will cover The University of Iceland communications in the times of COVID-19: Providing information and support, first response, reaching staff and students Collaboration with students, social responsibility, providing […]

How your brain wants to work 

University of Helsinki , Finland

NUAS Communication Group invites you to the webinar: How your brain wants to work Modern work life is not designed for our ancient brains. How should we organize our work so […]

Sharing knowledge and joy – how to get the most out of LinkedIn

Malmö University , Sweden

NUAS Communication Group invites you to the webinar: Sharing knowledge and joy – how to get the most out of LinkedIn LinkedIn is one of the fastest-growing social media platforms in the world. Unlike Facebook, it‘s still possible to get great outreach without paying for it.  Despite this, many organisations and individuals merely use LinkedIn for recruitment, employer […]

Indexing your scientists’ social media activity

University of Copenhagen , Denmark

NUAS Communication Group invites you to the webinar: Indexing your scientists’ social media activity Mike Young launched a new index in 2019 that ranks and compares scientists’ social media impact.  It […]