Webinar: Universities total climate footprint – walking the talk


Free webinar organized by Nordic Sustainable Campus Network(NSCN)/NUAS Sustainability Zoom link: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/69403697780 Sign up: Eventsignup.dk Zoom link will be sent to the participants a week before the event For questions please contact: Tomas Refslund Poulsen

Webinar: National issues with GDPR related to research


NUAS Legal Group presents: Webinar on national issues with GDPR related to research In this webinar, the speakers will talk about national issues with GDPR related to research in their respective Nordic countries. The webinar is free of charge. The speakers are: Janecke Helene Veim, Data Protection Officer at University of Bergen The legal basis […]

Recruitment processes in Nordic Universities


NUAS HR group has prepared a webinar that will take place on May 31st 2023 at 11:00-12:00 (Norwegian/Swedish/Danish time) Please register here. Recruiting highly skilled staff to small Nordic universities […]

The Desca template – webinar in September


NUAS Legal Group welcomes you to this webinar on the Desca Template. The new DESCA HE 2.0 is fit for collaborative projects funded via Horizon Europe Actual Cost Grants and […]