Wednesday 29 November
8.15 Registration Desk opens
Place; Publicum, Lobby, the University of Turku, Assistentinkatu 7
09.00-10 Opening of the Day 2 & Keynote
Place: Publicum, the University of Turku, Assistentinkatu 7
Keynote on Responsible Internationalisation
Professor emeritus Ole Petter Ottersen, advocate former president of Karolinska Institute and former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oslo
10.00-10.30 Coffee break (Publicum Lobby)
10.30-11.45: Parallel sessions: Responsible Collaboration in Higher Education Institutions
A. Responsible Collaboration in Higher Education Institutes
Academic partnerships have the potential to build bridges across geographical, political, cultural and institutional boundaries. These partnerships may however be influenced by the geopolitical situation in the collaborating country. There is a need for clear guidelines on how to approach and assess academic collaboration with countries that have a complex geopolitical profile. Both researchers and staff within university administration needs to improve their knowledge about these specific contexts as well as improve the support for collaboration with such environments and countries. What are the main difficulties in assessing these international collaborations and how can the support around these types of assessments be met?
Several Nordic countries have already developed or are in the process of developing strategies and guidelines for responsible internationalisation. This includes routines for assessing changes in the conditions for cooperation or recruitment processes but also national and institutional guidelines or code of conduct. During this session several examples of guidelines/ strategies will be presented and discussed.
B. Micro-credentials and short term offers
- how to use and/or stackability as part of Lifelong Learning
Micro-credentials are short, focused credentials designed to provide in-demand skills, competence and experience. Stackable micro-credentials can also provide a pathway to a certificate or full degree, now or when you are ready.
In June 2022 the EU Council adopted a recommendation on a European approach to micro-credentials for lifelong learning and employability. This recommendation aims at supporting the development, implementation and recognition of micro-credentials across Higher Education Institutions, businesses, society and borders. Shorter forms of learning opportunities are currently being developed across Europe and are made available by both public and private providers in addition to universities and other institutions of higher education.
This session will focus on the following topics:
- Brief introduction to the EU Council recommendation
- What are micro-credentials, and how can we use them in a sustainable way for lifelong learning as well for academic degrees?
- Rules, regulations and examples of short-term learning offers
- The use of micro-credentials in European University Alliances
- Institutional and national barriers to the implementation of micro-credentials
Session to be hosted by Senior Advisor Oddrun Maaø, institutional coordinator at NTNU for the European University Alliance ENHANCE.
C, Responsible international student journey from enrollment to alumni – how to meet the new students’ expectations
– Workshop and case study by the University of Turku, Finland
The University of Turku has set an ambitious goal of doubling the number of international Master’s students by 2030. The number of applications won’t be the bottleneck: in the past two application rounds, the number of applications has increased by over 70%.
The real challenge is meeting the expectations set in student recruitment marketing. How to ensure that high-quality education and relevant, scalable support services are available for the rapidly growing number of international students?
Agenda of the session:
- Case study of Turku: introducing the recent activities in the international student journey by the University of Turku and its local partners.
- Commentary session by Uppsala University
- Workshop to identify key challenges and best practices for responsible student journey from enrollment to alumni
11.45-12 Short break
12:00-13:00 Closing session and wrap up
Place: Publicum
Another view on Responsible Internationalisation (Speaker tbc)
Closing words by vice rector Piia Björn University of Turku
13.15 -14 lunch at Macchiavelli, Educarium
or grab&go lunch for those preregistered for this option