Research and Innovation
Target audience
Administrators employed at all levels of the Nordic universities and with administrative tasks related to research and innovation.
Focus area
NUAS (Nordic Association of University Administrators) Research & Innovation (R&I) Group is a collaborative platform for universities in the Nordic countries to strengthen and promote research and innovation collaboration. However, due to recent changes in personnel and leadership positions, the group has not been meeting regularly – but that´s about to change.
To complement existing national and European networks that universities are already part of, ensuring there is no duplication of efforts. The focus should be on the Nordic context and exploring opportunities to develop collaborations and strengthen the research and innovation landscape within the Nordic Council of Ministers. Additionally, there is a need for a group that discusses policy issues at national, Nordic, and European levels. Relevant topics within the European Research Area (ERA) include COARA (Coordination and Support Action to promote the access to research infrastructures), research assessment frameworks, the rapidly changing roles, and strategic challenges of universities, leading and managing universities in the era of many uncertainties, the impact of science and research, social interaction of universities, the professionalisation of research services and the development of competencies/expertise. It is also important to establish connections between NUAS and EARMA (European Association of Research Managers and Administrators) and their respective national networks in the Nordic area.
Future plans
The NUAS R&I group could play a crucial role in promoting collaboration and addressing policy issues within the Nordic research and innovation landscape. By formalizing the group’s structure, sharing responsibilities, and addressing the challenges of membership representation and technology platforms, the group can resume regular meetings and contribute to strengthening research and innovation cooperation (via mutual benchmarking, workshops, webinars, statements etc).
Group leader
Sigríður Beck
Head of Reserch and Innovation Services
University of Gothenburg