Information Technology

Target audience

The NUAS IT Group wants to act as a coordinating group to bring together all the IT Directors and other senior IT leaders of all Nordic universities and universities of applied science, to disseminate information and best practices, and to help in forming cooperation agreements, common purchasing agreements and common projects. There is no other Nordic level organization or cooperation body for higher education IT, so there is a very clear need for this role. Almost all the Nordic countries have a national level higher education IT Directors’ Forum or association and the NUAS IT Group wants to act as a force bringing these national level forums together.


Focus areas

  • The organization of common Nordic level seminars and workshops such as the “Nordic CIO Forum”
  • Partnership negotiations with Microsoft and other major IT providers
  • Common, Nordic level purchasing agreements
  • Coordination of IT hot topics such as digitalization, IT security, enterprise architecture work, etc.

Activities in the past year


  • Q2-23 Security – 1st of June
  • Q3-23 Benchmark of IT –11th of  September
  • Q1-24 IT research support


Activity goals for 2024-25


  • Q2-24 National efforts on Digital Learning & ecosystems
  • Q3-24 AI in Higher Ed in the Nordics, what do we do
  • Q4-24 Digivision 2030

Future planning at our next meeting in May



Group leader

Johan Johansson

President ITCF
Lund University
