Human Resources

Target audience

HR staff and leaders in the universities.

Focus areas

Strategic role in a university, recruitment processes, leadership, competence development, internationalization, relocation services, salary systems, organizational development, and digitalization.

Activities in the past year

  • Monthly meetings
  • Physical group meeting, Turku September 2023
  • One webinar and a joint seminar in Turku in September with the legal group

Activity goals for the period 2024-2025​

  • Continue to have remote group meetings monthly​
  • Onsite meetings once a year, end of 2024/beginning of 2025
  • Aim for two webinar, preferably one jointly with another group
  • Plan for on-site workshop/seminar in 2025

Group leader

Guðrún Margrét Eysteinsdóttir

University of Iceland
