
Target audience

Legal advisers working with legal administrative matters at Nordic universities.

Focus areas

The Legal group aims to provide knowledge regarding legal matters affecting legal advisers across the Nordic countries. This is a constantly changing area, but includes subjects such as data protection, artificial intelligence, export control, academic freedom, research ethics administrative law and intellectual property rights.

The Legal group also has the objective of addressing subjects, which are less focused on the legal side, but which has an effect on the everyday jobs of the legal advisers. This includes how to structure legal services in a university, how to make rules and guidelines effective as well as collaborating with other administrative units to create solutions for the university.

The Legal group focuses on providing legal advisers with knowledge on these topics through webinars and on-site conferences. The Legal group arranges these kinds of events, both solo and in collaboration with other NUAS groups, where the topic of the event is of interest to both NUAS groups. 



  • Activities last year:
    -We hosted a conference in September 2023 together with the HR group
    -Monthly online meetings

    Plans for 2024-25
    -Monthly online meetings
    -One physical meeting in Iceland in September
    -Webinar on the Desca standard contract to be held in September
    -Looking into more webinars, either the Legal group alone or with other groups

Target audience

Legal advisers working with legal administrative matters at Nordic universities.

Focus areas

Selected legal topics of current interest. At present the main focus for the Legal group is data protection, data management, information security, research ethics, and responsible conduct of research.

The Legal group also has the objective to address these topics: how to structure legal services in a university, how to make rules and guidelines effective, academic freedom in a legal structure, intellectual properties.



Group leader

Jesper Smedegaard Madsen

Senior legal adviser
Copenhagen Business School
