Meeting New Challenges

University of Helsinki , Finland

and Improving Professional Support in the University Administration

NUAS Chefsprogram 2010—Seminar I

KTH Royal Institute of Technology Brinellvägen 8, Stockholm, Sweden

<a href="">Programme</a>

NUAS Chefsprogram 2010—Seminar III

Åbo Akademi University Tehtaankatu 2, Turku, Finland

<a href="">Programme</a>

Mellem autonomi og kontrol

Aarhus University , Denmark

Mellem autonomi og kontrol universiteternes opgaver og deres formelle og organisatoriske struktur under forandring

Programme for Leaders in Administration

Stockholm University , Sweden

Collaboratively administrate empowered markets via plug-and-play networks. Dynamically procrastinate B2C users after installed base benefits. Dramatically visualize customer directed convergence without revolutionary ROI.

Communication Conference

Karolinska Institute , Sweden

This conference targets communication staff at Nordic universities and provides a good opportunity to gain new perspectives on working with communication at a university and to enhance your Nordic network.

Strategic use of intelligence to improve decision-making

UiT The Arctic University of Norway , Norway

The NUAS planning group on Research and Innovation is arranging a combined seminar and workshop on the strategic use of different types of data to increase Nordic universities’ competitiveness within […]