Webinar: National issues with GDPR related to research


NUAS Legal Group presents: Webinar on national issues with GDPR related to research In this webinar, the speakers will talk about national issues with GDPR related to research in their respective Nordic countries. The webinar is free of charge. The speakers are: Janecke Helene Veim, Data Protection Officer at University of Bergen The legal basis […]

NUAS Webinar on Business Process Mapping in Records Management

NUAS Archives and Record Management Group is pleased to invite you to a webinar on process mapping in the university sector where two different perspectives are presented. The Norwegian SIKT network presents how joint process mapping facilitates the work of developing automatic work flows, while the University of Gothenburg has gone from talking about processes […]

Media Darlings and Scapegoats – when our researchers go public


Join the NUAS Communications group´s  webinar “Media Darlings and Scapegoats – when our researchers go public” on the 25th of May at 14:00 CET. The webinar is moderated by Odd Vegard Kandall-Wright, senior adviser at the Communication Division, University of Bergen and member of the NUAS Communication planning group. The webinar is free for all NUAS members, […]

Recruitment processes in Nordic Universities


NUAS HR group has prepared a webinar that will take place on May 31st 2023 at 11:00-12:00 (Norwegian/Swedish/Danish time) Please register here. Recruiting highly skilled staff to small Nordic universities is no easy task. How universities go about doing this is important for the outcome, and for how universities are able to compete in national […]

Webinar: Implementation and management of a circular public procurement contract for furniture

Zoom https://aboakademi.zoom.us/j/67555578443

Circular public procurement (CPP) is one way to increase sustainability and circularity in public spending. As previous research focuses primarily on procurement, more insight is needed on the latter stages CPP. Real-life examples of CPP implementation are also required to promote the concept to practitioners, improve governance, and add depth to the literature. The study […]

Webinar – Unlocking Potential: Generative AI as a Game-Changer in University Libraries

NUAS Library group presents Unlocking Potential: Generative AI as a Game-Changer in University Libraries Dive into the future of university libraries, where generative AI not only transforms library interactions but also amplifies research and academic experiences. Discover the expansive capabilities of AI tools, and master the art of crafting prompts that yield meaningful interactions with […]

Navigating AI in University Administration: Opportunities and Considerations

The NUAS Communication Group presents:  Navigating AI in University Administration: Opportunities and Considerations Specialist in artificial intelligence, Hafsteinn Einarsson, Assistant Professor in Computer Science at the University of Iceland. In this Webinar, we will address the following key questions to unravel the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in enhancing communication work within university administration: How […]

Webinar: NUAS Economy Group presents: University funding models in the Nordics

The webinar takes place from 12.00 - 13.00 (Swedish, Danish and Norwegian time) To better understand the similarities and difference between our Nordic institution NUAS Economy arranges a case study on the finnish university funding model - with a comparative analysis of other Nordic models. The presentation will be made by Hannu Vartiainen, Professor in […]

Webinar: NUAS Open Publishing: A Nordic Perspective

SEE THE SLIDES FROM THE WEBINAR HERE AND THE RECORDING FURTHER DOWN ON THIS PAGE. Join us for an informative webinar on the future of open publishing in Europe, with a special focus on the Nordic perspective. Hosted by the NUAS Library Group, this session will convene experts from Norway, Sweden, and Finland to share […]

Webinar – Nordic universities sustainability: 2000 lab users can’t be wrong!

Zoom https://aboakademi.zoom.us/j/67555578443

Calling all administrative staff with sustainability responsibilities, central laboratory managers and coordinators on 23 April at 13-14.30 (Danish time) Laboratories have a very significant environmental footprint because of high energy consumption and the need for advanced technical facilities and buildings,procurement of equipment, waste generation, use of hazardous chemicals etc. We need to embed environmental and […]

The Desca template – webinar in September


NUAS Legal Group welcomes you to this webinar on the Desca Template. The new DESCA HE 2.0 is fit for collaborative projects funded via Horizon Europe Actual Cost Grants and […]

Pathways to Inclusivity in Nordic Universities

Hanken School of Economics & Online Arkadiankatu 22, Helsinki, Finland

The Nordic countries are known for their strong performance in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Yet, challenges remain in several diversity, equality, and inclusion related SDGs. What is the […]