NUAS Economy – Managing Uncertainties

9-10 May

Managing uncertainties

Welcome to Bergen 9-10 May!
NUAS Economy group welcomes you to a conference at the University of Bergen where the theme is Managing uncertainties.

You will have the opportunity to listen to both researchers and experts from various fields.
Please register at link bellow.



Registration Start

Registration End
April 28th, 2023

Workshop Start
May 9th, 2023

Workshop End
May 10th, 2023



May 9 – University Museum of Bergen


Opening of the conference


Digitalization and digital work environment before, during and after the

Professor Jan Gulliksen, KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.

Digitalization means transforming the work, organisation and business based on the opportunities
that digital technologies offer. The pandemic was instrumental in making the digitalization happen.
But as the lockdowns are now over, what have we learned from the pandemic and how can we move
our business into the future in universities and higher education institutions using the opportunities
of digitalization.



Digitalization and Automatization using Microsoft Power Platform

Allan Bøge Ochwat, Special Consultant Aarhus University, Denmark

With focus on efficient use of resources in the administration Aarhus University Denmark has
developed interactive reports (Power BI), tools for controlling finances and automatization of
processes (Power Apps and Power Automate). This means easy access to reports where the project
leader at any time can see status on their projects, automatic approval process, and stronger financial
management. All the reports and support tools are developed to reduce time copnsuming work tasks
in prior to advising the project leaders on their finances.
In this sesion Allan Bøge Ochwat presents how Aarhus Universit developed the automatic approval
process, and some of the tools and how it is used at their university.

Trust-based governance and management: Success, failure and the way forward
Professor Sven Siverbo, Karlstad University Sweden
(The speaker will attend the conference digitally)

In recent years, trust-based governance and management has increasingly in Sweden been adopted
in regions and municipalities. Judging by how many people have embraced the concept, it must be
described as a success. However, the implementation has faced a lot of problems. What exactly is
trust-based governance and management, what are the obstacles to realizing it and what is the way


Climate Research. The History and where are we heading?
Kikki Flesche Kleiven, Professor and Director of the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, Bergen,

The Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research engages more than 200 scientists from 39 countries, and
is one of the largest climate research units in Europe. The centre is named in honour of Vilhelm and
Jacob Bjerknes who laid the foundations of modern meteorology and carried out pioneer research on
climate change and the role of the ocean in the climate system.

Haste, The slow politics of climate urgency

Håvard Haarstad, Professor and Director Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation (CET),
Bergen, Norway.

Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation (CET) is part of University of Bergen. The
overarching goal of CET is to produce actionable knowledge that can inform policy and practice
about how to achieve deep, rapid and sustainable transformation of society to mitigate climate
The book “Haste. The slow politics of climate urgency” was published in March 2023. While
recognizing the need for certain types of urgency in climate politics, Haste directs attention to the
different and alternative temporalities at play in climate and sustainability politics.
18:30 Tour of University Museum of Bergen
19:30  Conference dinner



May 10 – Hotel Zander K


To lead a university when times are changing
Øystein Thøgersen, Rector and professor at Norwegian School of Economics

During Øystein Thøgersen time as rector of Norwegian School of Economics the institution has tried
to make a clearer link between strategy, governance and management in the organization. Øystein
Thøgersen will share his experience of leading a university especially in times of increasing






Certia service center solution and automation applications for Finnish university
Saija Jänkävaara, Service Manager, Financial Systems

Toni Moilanen, Service Manager, Automation
Certia was founded in 2008 as an accounting office in Finland. In 2010 Certia was incorporated as a
limited company. Nowadays all customer universities also own Certia. Certia is located at Vaasa,
Joensuu, and Tampere and employs more than 150 professionals in finance, payroll and systems.


PWC: The future of the financial function
Frank Lefdal, Director PwC Norway

The finance function has a central role in any organization, but how do you ensure that you are
working on the right things? A lot of time is spent on routine tasks and manual data cleaning, but is it
possible to change the way we work to free up resources for analysis and more value-creating work?
Why do Controllers end up with the responsibility for correct registration of information? PwC will
present results from relevant beachmark and reports, and give insights into how they work with
clients to improve finance and reporting functions.



Uncertainty and risk
Anders Ekholm13:00, Chief Investment Officer at the University of Helsinki (FI) and Interim Chief

Investment Officer of Ahlström Invest B.V. (NL).
(The speaker will attend the conference digitally)
Anders will talk about the concepts of uncertainty and risk, their similarities and differences.



This conference is arranged by NUAS Economy, a meeting place to create new connections within our area
of expertise. We are part of NUAS (“Det Nordiska Universitets Administratörs Samarbetet”),a member-
driven collaborative organization established in 1976.






Conference fee: NOK 4500 incl. VAT
The fee is including seminars, lunch and coffee breaks both days and dinner on May 9th.

We have preordered 45 rooms on Hotel Zander K (conference site on May 10th). Price NOK 880 incl breakfast. You can order by contacting the hotel on +47 55 36 20 40 or email:
Reference: NUAS-Seminar UIB – 131029.

Limited number of participants.
Last booking date: 28 April.

Online payment with Visa, Mastercard and Vipps.

Click here to register

Professor Jan Gulliksen
KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.
Jan Gulliksen is a professor in Human Computer Interaction and vice president at KTH RoInstitute of Technology in Stockholm Sweden. He is a member of the Swedish Government’s digitalization council. He conducts research on usability and accessibility, digitalization and digital work environments and user-centered systems design.

Allan Bøge Ochwat
Special Consultant Aarhus University, Denmark

Professor Sven Siverbo
Karlstad University Sweden
Sven Siverbo is a professor at the Karlstad Business School, Karlstad University, and works at
Kommunforskning i Västsverige (KFi). His research deals with governance, mainly within regions
and municipalities, but also within the private sector.

Kikki Flesche Kleiven
Professor and Director of the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, Bergen, Norway.

Håvard Haarstad
Professor and Director Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation (CET), Bergen, Norway.

Øystein Thøgersen
Rector and professor at Norwegian School of Economics
During Øystein Thøgersen time as rector of Norwegian School of Economics the institution has tried to make a clearer link between strategy, governance and management in the organization. Øystein Thøgersen will share his experience of leading a university especially in times of increasing uncertainty.

Saija Jänkävaara
Service Manager, Financial Systems, Certia

Toni Moilanen
Service Manager, Automation, Certia

Frank Lefdal
Director PwC Norway

Anders Ekholm
Chief Investment Officer at the University of Helsinki (FI) and Interim Chief Investment Officer of Ahlström Invest B.V. (NL).
Anders Ekholm is an adjunct professor of financial economics and has previously worked mainly as a researcher, asset manager and entrepreneur. He has around 20 years of experience in the capital market.


We have preordered 45 rooms on Hotel Zander K (conference site on May 10th). Price NOK 880 incl breakfast. You can order by contacting the hotel on +47 55 36 20 40 or email:
Reference: NUAS-Seminar UIB – 131029.

Click here to find Hotel Zander K on map.

Hotel Zander K
Zander Kaaes gate 8


Please contact NUAS Economy group leader for more information:
Dan Guttke Karlstad Univeristy (