Nordic University Director Meeting Stockholm

May 11 – 12, 2023

How to govern our Nordic universities during the current geopolitical situation

Key messages from highly qualified experts and leaders about:
freedom of speech, national security and university democracy

Meeting place
KTH  Royal Institute, Brinellvägen 8, Stockholm

Conference fee:
SEK 2500

Dinner Thursday evening.

After our first afternoon at the NUAS Director we will go by bus and take a taxi boat to Fjäderholmarnas krog  where we will enjoy each others company and have a delightful  dinner.


Registration Start
Now open for registration

Registration End
April 11th, 2023

Meeting Start
17:00 – May 11th, 2023

Meeting End
13:30 – May 12th, 2023




KTH Royal Institute, Brinellvägen 8, Stockholm 

Open location on Google Maps. 



Thursday May 11, 2023

Registration 17:00-17:30

17:30 – 19:00 (followed by conference dinner in the evening)

  • Welcome and introduction by NUAS acting chair, University Director, Søren Lind Christiansen, Aalborg University and Deputy University Director, Fredrik Oldsjö , KTH Royal Institute of Technology
  • Marina Tofting, Head of Communications, The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters  will facilitate the conference
  • There will be time for discussion after each presentation.

The Nordic universities’ challenges in the current geopolitical situation

Hans Wallmark, chairman of the Swedish EU committee and of the recently established defence committee

International science cooperation in a new geopolitical landscape
Kenneth Ruud, Director Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI)

19:00  Departure via bus and boat to restaurant

20:00 Dinner at  Fjäderholmarnas krog.  

Friday May 12, 2023
9:00 – 13:30

National security in an extreme situation in academia – Lessons learned

Professor Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv is professor of Critical Peace and Conflict Studies at the UiT The Arctic University of Norway.

Universities are increasingly targeted for hybrid threat tactics including cyber-attacks (hacking/infrastructure attacks), the spread of disinformation, and espionage including information gathering and network building. As centers of knowledge, largely (though not solely) of  an unclassified nature, universities play a significant and crucial role in a comprehensive security framework.

On the one hand the knowledge produced at universities can, at given points in time, be considered sensitive in a national security context, requiring access limitations. On the other hand, universities play a core role in promoting and exercising freedom of information, speech, and ideas for democracies, providing a venue for value contestation. As important actors in a comprehensive security environment, universities need to balance protecting democratic rights while ensuring the security democracies depend upon.

Freedom of speech – the role of academia as experts and unlimited critics

Thomas Ploug is professor of Information and Communication Ethics, Aalborg University.   Ploug is a member of the ethical research committee at Aalborg University and has been a significant voice in the public debate on research ethics, citizens’ rights and moral responsibility.

Role of the University in the free Democratic Society

Samuel Engblom, Jur.dr. is Former State Secretary in the Swedish Ministry for Education and Research.

Do universities have a role in defending democracy and how can that role be reconciled with autonomy?


Atte Jääskelïnen, Director General of Higher Education and Research Policy at the Ministry of  Education and  Culture, Finland  

Atte has just been appointed president by the Sitra´s Supervistory board.  Before joining the ministry he was Professor of Practice and Chairman of Advisory Board at LUT University. He was Visiting Senior Fellow at LSE, London 2018- 2021 and also Visiting Fellow at Reuters Institute at University of Oxford, 2017-2018. Atte was also CEO of his wholly owned consultancy company and was active in the fields of strategic management and digital strategies for European public service media. He co-authored European Broadcasting Union’s News Reports 2018, 2019 and 2020.   Atte was Director of News and Current Affairs at Finnish Broadcasting Company 2007- 2017 and Managing Director and Editor-in-Chief of Finnish News Agency STT 2004-2006. He held senior business and political editor posts in the leading Finnish daily Helsingin Sanomat, 1995-2004.

Closing remarks

Director of Administration,  Esa Hämäläinen Helsinki University

University Director Kerstin Jacobsson   KTH Royal institute of Technology


13:30 – Lunch to go



Conference fee:
SEK 2500



Hans Wallmark is a member of the Swedish Parliament, chairman of the Swedish EU committee and of the recently established defence committee.

Click here for more information



Kenneth Ruud, is director general of the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment and a professor of theoretical chemistry at the University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway.

Click here for more information



Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv is professor of Critical Peace and Conflict Studies at the UiT The Arctic University of Norway.

Click here for more informaton



Thomas Plough is professor of Information and Communication Ethics, Aalborg University. Ploug is a member of the ethical research committee at Aalborg University and has been a significant voice in the public debate on research ethics, citizens’ rights and moral responsibility.

 Click here for more information


Samuel Engblom, Jur.dr. is Former State Secretary in the Swedish Ministry for Education and Research.

Click here for more information




Atte Jääskeläinen , Director General of Higher Education and Research Policy, Finland

Click here for more information



University Director,  Kerstin Jacobsson KTH Royal institute of Technology

 Click here for more information



Director of Administration, Esa Hämäleinen Helsinki University

Click here for more information


Suggestions for hotel accomodation:

These hotels are conveniently situated in central Stockholm and easy to travel to and from.


How to get to KTH – the Royal Institute of Technology
Brinellvägen 8, Stockholm

 Arlanda Express to Stockholm C.  Options are a taxi from Stockholm C  to the address or Metro

Metro Red line T 14 to Tekniska högskolan from Stockholm C.
It is about a 10 minutes from the station to Brinällvägen 8.


NB:  Please note that after the program on Thursday evening we will go by bus to our destination for dinner.  Therefore, it is recommended that you check your luggage in to your hotel prior to
Thursday´s program


Dinner Thursday evening.

We go directly from KTH to Fjäderholmarnas krog.  Transportation (bus and boat)  will be organized.


Please contact the General Secretary: Jónína Kárdal (