Do you want to know more about open science in Finland?
Finland has declared itself a pioneer of open science in Europe. This goal is supported by the unique national coordination of open science, which is financially supported by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Development has been very rapid in recent years: setting up coordination, preparing declarations and recommendations based on the research community, evaluating the level of maturity of open science of the research organizations, building a new evaluation model (in progress), etc. It is characteristic of the Finnish operating model that national recommendations are produced in co-operation with research organizations, not on the initiative of the Ministry. By the way, a similar national co-operation model has been implemented e.g. guiding good scientific practice (responsible conduct of research) and quality management and audits of the universities.
The presentation from this webinar is online at:!AmG6IG2yBZj6mVOSJKQmxMIso6Om?e=aWqNbi