“How to Do More with Less?”
The planning group of the faculty administration at the Nordic Association of University Administrators (NUAS) is extending an invitation to a workshop and networking opportunity. Directors and leaders in administration from University of Turku will provide input about the change work that they conducted during the past year’s cut-backs in the Finnish university sector. The NUAS planning group of the faculty administration will also take part to share its experiences from similar situations in other Nordic countries.
The workshop will be a good opportunity for discussion, experience-sharing and networking (to extend the exchange if possible).
The target group for the workshop is administrative directors and leaders with overall responsibility for their organisation, e.g. directors of faculty, administrative managers and equivalent.
The workshop is conducted on a low budget which means that the workshop expenses are limited to the direct costs (e.g., meals, coffees, and venue). The participants will pay for their own travel and accommodation. There is a limit on the number of participants. The planning group will therefore select the participants from the list of applicants with a view to optimise the experience-sharing and geographic spread.
Registration opens on June 15, 2016 and closes on September 14.
Please see: www.utu.fi/nuas for the programme and practical information.