How is position acquired

Two from each of the Nordic countries, except one from Faroe Islands, Iceland, and an observer from Greenland. The directors (or their appointed proxies) of member institutions from each country are responsible for naming their representatives to the Board. Up to four members elected by the Group Leaders.



4 years + 4 years.



-Active participation in the meetings and be updated with NUAS activities
-Define the purpose and strategy of NUAS
-Assist with recruitment to groups as needed
-Approve new group members ad hoc
-Attend biannual board meetings where at least one in in-person
-Appoint members to planning groups (PLA, NUAS conferences)
-Decides the budget (within the framework from the GA)
-Approves special financial allocations for the groups based on recommendations from the Group Leaders
-Arrange director’s seminars (meeting for all directors of member institutions) to exchange info on experience and info on current trends in higher education
-Evaluate NUAS activities and update statutes as needed.
-Nominate candidates for the two auditor positions
-Make decisions on creating and dissolving the groups
-Approve prospective new group members and confirm their participation with the Administrative Executive (not DK)


Where & When

Ad hoc help to Gensec regarding group members.
Board meeting in-person in the spring and online in the fall.